CONTEST #1 REGISTER BY SENDING EMAIL TO put subject as “enter contest #1” read about contest at

100,000 STUDENT INITIATIVE link here to download power point presentation

Kess is an organization of youth and their families created to improve the quality of life through the reduction of waste; the waste of time, the waste of material, and the waste of human potential.


Our main project is to organize over one hundred million students world wide to develop new energy sources as cheap abundant clean power supplies for the world. We intend to do this through the building of self-replicating robotic communities.

We are following the lead of world renowned scientists such as Prof. Lackner and others who have paved the way to bring this great blessing to the earth.

This is a link to an article written about self-replicating robotic communities. build thyself.pdf.

A-S Koh

Dr. Koh has paved the way for us to create the software tools and programs to bring about these great visions.

Besides the great mathematical tools Dr. Koh has made available he has had the foresight to develop his work in the programing language called “Smalltalk”.

Smalltalk was created by Alan Kay who stated: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

The vision of Smalltalk was to make computing easy so that even young grade schoolers could compute. This software language is the key to bringing about this great energy emancipation by allowing millions of students to work together and quickly and easily create the code necessary to build the robotic communities that Prof. Lackner has provided the vision for.

Dr. Koh is heading up the effort to guide a group of students in taking the great resources made available by the Open Cascade and and other organizations to create tools for the design, engineering and production of the robotic communities.


Kess is organizing the students to join in this great effort by developing the plans that will provide the students a way to be paid while they are working on the energy system. This is to be done by using the same tools, the students build for creating robots, to produce the things their families consume. Families consume thousands of products annually such as milk, butter, eggs, toilet paper, clothing and on and on.

To find out more about how you and your students can become part of this historic effort send an email to Chuck Smith at